måndag 21 mars 2011

Objection to everything

Objection, I don't wanna be the exception
to get a bit of your attention

Hi again :) Though right now I feel more like writing "fuck off", because I'm sick and just tired of everything. Too bad my blog-history will start in this way!
Last Thursday night I began feeling sick and I ended up puking the whole night and next day, and the weekend after that my body was so drained I couldn't stand up and my whole back ached.
But tonight I felt a bit better, and since I don't want to miss anything in school, I decided to go. School starts at 8:20 and at 9 I was already far off in some other world. We had a Spanish test and God knows what I wrote. I tried to rest a bit, but it's hard when you have living exclamation mark beside of you who can't be still for a second. I told my supposed "friend" to take it easy, but she didn't understand what I meant and the others got sour and told me to go cry somewhere else. Sometimes I just hate them. Yes I know I should be at home but I take school seriously!
Now that I'm in high school, I can hardly allow myself to be at home for a day because I know I'll miss so much. It's sad really that it is that way. You never get a chance to really get healthy. On the other hand, we learn a lot. In middle school, I was once gone for 2 weeks and when I came back I hadn't missed anything. I've learnt more this one semester in high school than I learned for 3 years in middle school ^^. It's a wonder I can read and write.
I'm also sour because tomorrow my class is going to play bowling and Laser-Game. We'll get the afternoon off. Of course I don't want to miss that, no one wants to. I'll rest today and hopefully I'll be able to go.

Besitos :)

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