tisdag 12 april 2011

my weekend

I've had a chaotic weekend. Together with my piano orchestra, I went to Stockholm to play with the only other piano orchestra that exists in Sweden. It was a small concert, only a couple of parents there, and everything went well.

I also got to meet my friend J for the first time! We got to know each other a year ago on the Internet, and she's one of my best friends. It was a little awkward meeting her (of course), but really fun and I hope I'll meet her again.

Let's just say everyone was very loud. On the bus home, it was awful. Don't they understand how they seem?  Other people on the bus told them to shut up several times - and still they didn't. Yes, it's ok to laugh - but you don't need to be so loud!
They should have some respect for others. When I mentioned this to M (the girl who causes the chaos) yesterday, she said "just because you never have fun". And my friends took her side, which made me feel bad...so I went home. I know I shouldn't have done that, but I really didn't want to stay in school.
I tended to D, because he's the only one who's acting mature. We talked a lot during the trip, and I realized he's probably one of my best friends. We had lots of fun (quiet fun, unlike the others). But my other friend L, got sour because he wanted to participate in our discussions too, but we wouldn't let him because he's such a jerk.
I think he's forgotten it now though. This is from our sms-conversation today:

L: Du bist hässlisch
Me: ?
L: "You are ugly", but I meant something else
Me: What?
L: The opposite

- Silence -

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