torsdag 31 mars 2011

The most amazing night

It's been a while.

But at least now I have lots of things to tell you!
The 26th of March, I went to Norrköping with one of my friends and there, I attended a concert with one of my favourite bands, The Ark. It was amazing; I was front row and I've never jumped, danced and screamed that much in my whole life. They've known as the best live-band in Sweden - but I didn't expect them to be THIS good! The audience and the band were one. It was love. The Ark will die as a beautiful corpse, but their music will live forever, and the Arkistic Lustmanifest will always be true!

The Ark is quitting. They've existed for 20 years, and this is their farewell tour. I first discovered them in 2007, and since then I've been an "angelhead", as they call their most devoted fans. The teenager Ola Salo believed that the world was going under and therefore created an Ark to save it. The Ark is an explosion of love, music, and passion. It's hard to describe, really...but what I do know is that I will always love them!! One of the many reasons I love them is because of their message, to "LET YOUR BODY DECIDE" and "IT TAKES A FOOL TO REMAIN SANE". They simply wants everyone to be themselves and to be free.

They sang 21 songs, most of them hits, but also some songs that the audience requested. After their new single, "Breaking Up With God", (which is about misinterpreting things that adults said when you were young and that made you feel bad for a long time), the singer Ola Salo (a palindrom!) saw that I had a huge smile on my face, so he gave me a thumbs-up and smiled at me. It wasn't much...but it made my day. Also, in a song, he threw out the water in the bottle he'd been drinking from, and it landed on me. Holy water haha.
It sounds cheesy but it's actually that way I feel! To use pretentious words, I'll carry those little drops like a blessing for a happier life.
Although...I'd much rather be content than happy. Happiness is a feeling that can't last very long. You can be exstatic, but the feeling fades after a while. Being content on the other side can last forever.

Anyway. It was simply the best night of my life. I've already booked another concert with them, on the 24/7.

In the end of this video, you see Ola giving me the thumbs-up!!! It's a fanmade video...but it's still awesome.

One of my inspirations. Ola Salo. You wouldn't believe some of
the things that going on in his brain...he truly is a masterpiece by God!
Credits to Jasmin W for the pic.

"Glöm aldrig att vi älskar er"

let all the trumpets blow
give them a hell of a show
rip it up and let it go
the apocalypse is over

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